Thursday, September 24, 2009

Correction Done 24/09/09

1. Report / Due Pending - If selected Dues >= not coming correct
2. Reports / Agreement Schedule - Pocketsize Schedule (New)
3. All Reports - Once you select any report cursor will come to 1st field then you can make changes by pressing enter to go to next field at the end click on "Preview" or press Alt+P to view report (New)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 16th 2009

Correction Done

1. Report / Document Printing / Legal Notice - Due from to was not coming correct
2. Reports / Expiry Listing - Can be taken for all companies (Trial)
3. Report / Agreement B-Schedule - Company address provided instead of broker
4. Utilities - All Company Data Restore (New)
5. Reports / SMS - If selected all due calulation was wrong.
6. Reports / Collection Slip - Due From TO was coming as agreement's last due corrected to as on

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 9th 2009

Correction Done

1. Transaction/General Status Update - Agreement main details added
2. Transaction/Receipt For The Day - Save & Print was printing only last receipt
3. Report/Lable Printing - HPA No. & Registration No.
4. Transaction/Settlement - If Ledger entries corrected
5. Report/Receipt - If already printed, warnning message
Transaction/Receipt - Edit/Delete warnning message, If already printed.
7. Backup Warring at startup

Friday, September 4, 2009

September 4th 2009

Correction Done

1. Utilities/Restore - Close after company restore.
2. Report/DuePending - Order By Default Due not proper
3. Report/Document Printing - Last receipt amount = Due
4. Merge Company - After creating close
5. Report/Collection Slip - Order by Registration No. error
6. Report/Receipt Plain - DD & Remarks not printing & upto was wrong
7. Transaction/Agreement - Cash Bank Balance added ned
8. Agreenment Listing - RTO details (Insu./RTO)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September 01st, 2009

Correction Done

1. Reports/Listing/Settled&Seized - Settled/Seized date column added
2. Email - Know you can send all reports as email attachments.
3. Web Browser - New feature added in tool bar click on button and explore web